Thursday, 9 June 2016

Water Drinking Rules for Glowing Skin & Healthy Life

Water Drinking Rules for Glowing Skin & Healthy Life - LifeTipsNTricks

Water is the most precious thing God ever made, it's an integral part of our body and life. It is more or less responsible for maintaining all kind of activities inside your body,  be it Digestion, Blood Circulation, Hormonal Activity etc. so it is also some how related to the problems our body face like obesity, indigestion, dim skin, energy-less body, stress and much more...
In Ayurveda some peoples believe that 90% of human diseases  caused by improper drinking of water. Lake of water in body means toxins are not eliminated via the intestines and kidneys, the body tries to get rid of it through the lungs, which causes increased breathing and irregular heartbeat. When toxins in the blood get to the brain, a person might develop migraine headaches and vomiting due to dehydration. The lack of water will result in dry and itchy skin, split hair ends and brittle nails. So  plenty of water with proper routine is the key to stay healthy and age less all the time. Follow the rules of drinking water on daily basis to be on healthy side of your life.

We bring you some basic and easy to follow water drinking rules, yes  you got it right rules, when to drink, how to drink etc.

By following these rules like a habit instead of constraint your body starting utilizing more oxygen in the body tissues and mind which leads to less stress, glowing skin and more. These rules are highly effective in solving indigestion problems, eliminating bad toxins and reduction of obesity which further reduces the chances of diseases.

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
   -Loran Eisley

General Water Drinking Rules:

  • In the morning, after getting up from bed, drink two glass of Luke warm water without doing brush and face wash (Brush teeth at night) , it is because this water will take all your saliva ( A person produces around 0.75 to 1.5 liters of saliva in a day)  from mouth to stomach and which is highly recommended to reduce the acid level of stomach. Morning time our stomach is some what "sleepy". lukewarm water activates its walls for digestion. In the first few days some people get nauseous. because everyone is different and body takes time to change daily habits. its totally normal to avoid this starts from half glass of water and slowly increase the quantity.
  • Drink water in Sitting position and one sip at a time than breathe and repeat. You will never get arthritis problem in knees.
  • Don't drink or eat anything just after brush, wait for at least 20 minutes.
  • Drink only Luke warm water or room temperature each time for early weight reduction. Avoid cold and iced water.
  • Drink half glass of water before bath, that help your body in maintaining your blood pressure.
  • Drink Water Slowly and sip throughout the day  so that water can reach and absorbed by your whole body. Otherwise it will increase pressure on kidneys and will come out via toilet very soon, that is without staying for much time inside the body hence no benefit at all.
  • Drink when you are  thirsty. Thirst is a natural urge that should be heeded. It means your body needs water.
  • Drink more water when you are passing yellow urine. It means You are not hydrated and your body demanding more water. urine should be fairly clear and transparent for healthy and hyderated body .
  • Drink more water when your lips are dry.  this is the indicator of dehydration.

Water Drinking Rules Before or After Food:

  • Drink water 45 minutes before having food(lunch/dinner) and don't drink after having food for at least 1 hour 45 minutes.
  • Don't drink right before and after food it increases indigestion and many blood related diseases in your body.
  • Drink 8  -10 glass of water in a day, you will get beautiful skin, Hair, Nails and clear bawl.
  • Before going to bad in night take lukewarm milk or half glass of lukewarm water, this will prevent any kind of blockage in heart, indigestion and it cures the problem of constipation also, and most importantly good for a sound sleep.

Spread Happiness and Love!

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